Monday, March 31, 2008


We had a good day today. Mollie got her report card today and I was very pleased. I have to give her teacher Ms. Kasey the credit. We make good choices at home, but I'm not a teacher at home-I'm Mom. I will be the first to say kindergarten is not what any of us experienced 20 years ago. Since it is what I do for a living it is a personal soapbox of mine. All I can say is look at the education polices as you vote next year. Anyway she is a great teacher and Mollie has done well with her.
Mollie's friend Jacob has been with us this afternoon. He went to dance with us and watched her class and then out to eat. They had a good time and played well together. We are all ready for it to quit raining. Our backyard looks like a pond and we may have hay before it drys out enough for Ron to mow.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Horse Festival

We had a big day here. We went to the barn at the U of A for the Horse Festival. To say it was up Mollie's alley is an understatement! She loved it. We got to see 20 different breeds of horses. She got to make a stick horse and participate in the parade during the show in the arena. There were trick riders, a stage coach, The Old Fort Dandies, and many others in the show. We all had a good time and even won a nice western kids belt. Even the rain slowed down while we went out to pet the animals and see the exhibits outside. It was a good day and went spent it together and that was the important thing!
Mollie had now wound down and put her horse "Sparkle" to bed and Ron is both enjoying and frustrated by March madness. Bailey is asleep on the foot of the recliner by me and I am ready to cozy up with a book instead of basketball.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday Night LIFE

This is usually the middle of our week, but since Mollie and I didn't have to go on Monday and there wasn't a meeting after school today it came and went much faster. Mollie and I have been to church tonight. Let me say I know there are lots of people out there who don't regularly attend church, but our family couldn't survive without it. I meet with a group of women on Wednesday night while Mollie goes to the children's program. As an added bonus we eat there and I don't have to cook. The group I attend is quite varied in age, backgrounds, and experiences, but they are such a strength to me. They have helped me the see the other side of things when I have been blinded by the moment (both good and bad) and for that I thank them. Although those words can never truly show enough gratitude! Thanks girls if you are reading this!!! God does put people in your life when you need them the most. I hope I can give something back to them.
We will be having our new building's dedication a week from Saturday and Mollie will be singing with the other kids and Twilia Paris for the concert. It's all pretty neat.
I've been informed that I can't get any blonder! And Ron says he likes it as long as I don't start acting dingy. I'm just trying to have fun with that.
Well I am afraid I am rambling and a Janet Evanovich book is calling my name so I'm going to call it quits tonight.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break

Ok, so I'm running a little behind in my blog. What can I say, but I have been spring cleaning and playing with Mollie. I'm on a roll with cleaning out and the truth is I wish spring break had been a little longer so I could finish while I'm in the mood. Instead I cleaned out the linen closet tonight when I got home from school. I am saving Mollie's room for last because I'm dreading it! She should have been named Messy Mollie. And it can't be finished in one afternoon after a full day at school.
Anyway we played too! Mollie and I slept late and let Ron go to work. We had a play date with my friend Michelle and her son Jacob at Chick-Fil-A. That was the day we got about 7 inches of rain. It poured and poured for what seemed like forever. We also made a trip to Build a Bear with them. We came home with a pink and white bear dressed in Hello Kittty PJ's.
We met Mom and Dad in Branson on Thursday amd did a little shopping. Ron and my Dad hit a new golf course called Murder Rock. All was well. We hit Silver Dollar City on Friday with over 16,000 other people. I guess I'm spoiled by the short lines that you find in the middle of the week during the summer. It took over an hour to get there and to leave which really stunk, but the rest was really fun. Mollie loves roller coasters so we rode Powder Keg first thing. She wanted to ride Wild Fire, but she needs another 1 1/2 inches for that one. Maybe by the end of the summer she will get to. She has high hopes. She has so much dare devil in her it's hard to believe sometimes!
Easter...We ended our break with Easter. Mollie was as excited about the Easter Bunny coming as she was about Santa Claus. She had her picture made with the bunny at the mall on Saturday. After that she told us that she knew that wasn't the real bunny because she could see eyes through the holes in the mask, but she new he was helping the real bunny. I loved it! She had lots of fun hunting eggs at home and at church that morning. We had church in the new building. I really enjoyed it. Our new building is wonderful and we were able to all be together. Its nice to celebrate with out own family, but it's also nice to celebrate with our church family. It was really nice to see our friends Drew and Mandy get to enjoy Easter together since Drew has been deployed to train our troops in TX and OK. Believe it or not I cooked lunch for everyone. It was good if I do say so myself.
We ended the week with a haircut for Mollie and dance class yesterday. Mollie had fun at both.

P.S. I did get a little blonder! I might just stay this way. Maybe blonds do have more fun!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Trip to Mtn. View

We have had a very busy couple of days. After church Sunday we loaded up, dropped Bailey(our Yorkie) off with my friend Kim, who saved us in a pinch, and headed out of town. Sunday was a nice day here and it made our long drive much easier. Mtn. View is a quaint little town that people like my grandparents love to visit. However a lot of it closes for the winter and the rest closes at dark or on Sundays. We got there after dark, on a Sunday night, and in the winter. So by the time we got a motel room, and changed clothes we made it to the visitation a little later than we had planned. But we did get there and I was so glad. We don't get to see them very often and it was important for Ron to see them at this time and for Mollie to get to meet some of them. We usually go on Memorial Day weekend, but we never knew who we would see. The church feed us a great lunch where we were able to visit with everyone. The pastor did a wonderful job describing Tilda and the service was perfect. The rain that started coming down during the night however complicated the graveside service, since cemetery is on top of a small beautiful mountain. The main road to it was washed out and the one we did take was wet red clay up and down in those mountains. We made it very carefully and it was very scenic. From what I could see in the rain her family had been buried there for almost 100 years. I would like to have spent more time reading the names of all of Ron's relatives that we never had a chance to know. It was 4:30 before we left and it still had not stopped raining and the temperature was dropping. As we crossed the Buffalo River it had at least doubled in size since we saw it on Sunday. We did get home about 8:15 and about five minutes from the house it started to sleet. We were very lucky! After we went to bed we got several inches of snow last night and Mollie and I are at home today as a result. Sadly it is melting as fast as it came. Ron went to work like normal today and Mollie and I will return tomorrow greatful for some extra rest.