Friday, February 29, 2008

Finally FRIDAY!!!

The school week has finally ended. I love my job, but I'm tired and so is Mollie. We are looking forward to eating Mexican food with friends and relaxing some. We do know that Grandma Tilda's funeral will be Monday afternoon. It will be a long day for everyone. I will be making a trip to Wal-Mart before we go. Mollie gets carsick and I won't leave home without some motion sickness medicine. The road, for those who don't know Hwy 412, has 2 lanes with lots of curves and hills. To complicate matters no I have to figure out what to wear and a hat that matches to cover up my bald spot!!! (Which seems to still be growing.) I know we will see tons of people that we haven't seen in years and who knows when we will see them again. Ron is still at work finishing up since he will be gone on Monday. I left a table full of sub plans for my kiddos!
As for this weekend I plan to SCRAPBOOK and Ron will be cheering for the Hogs. Addictions for both of us. Enjoy the weather this weekend!